Our food data platform links you to everyone else in the food industry, all the way down to the consumer.
Whether you are a food producer, a distributor, or sell directly to consumers via a restaurant, canteen, bakery...
Your data management just got a lot
More powerful
and Interconnected!
ClearKarma is a platform that links Manufacturers, Distributors, Food services (restaurants, canteens etc) and Consumers all together.
ClearKarma delivery services are a recipe for success with a future. Fresh bakery products, fruit and vegetables daily at the front door - at prices like in the shop. Our customers love it! Because simplicity and enjoyment are among the greatest human needs.
For more than 10 years our co-founders Sylvie Chin and Wolfgang Dvorak have been successfully working with the market leader in home delivery service. The franchise company has already supplied 1,000 households in Vienna and the surrounding area.
Proven concept from the franchisor
Minimized entrepreneurial risk for the individual
Know-how and extensive synergy effect
Business and technical consulting and training
Purchasing advantages
Food Data Platform
The API standard
Restaurant interface